.ee registry system
.ee registry system
The new registry system has been developed as an open source project and can be foundhttps://github.com/internetee
EPP documentation: https://github.com/internetee/registry/blob/master/doc/epp/README.md
REPP documentation: https://internetee.github.io/repp-apidoc
XML schemas: https://github.com/internetee/registry/tree/master/lib/schemas
Production environment
- Registrar's portal: https://registrar.internet.ee
- EPP API: reg.internet.ee:700
- REPP API: https://repp.internet.ee
- WHOIS: whois.tld.ee
- Rest WHOIS: http://rwhois.internet.ee
- Registrant's portal: https://eedirekt.internet.ee
Auction portal:
Registrar's test environment
Registrar's portal: https://testrar.internet.ee/registrar
EPP API: testepp.internet.ee:700
REPP API: https://testepp.internet.ee/repp/v1/
Registrant's portal: https://testrant.internet.ee/registrant
Auction portal: https://testauction.internet.ee/
- EPP API - please send certificate signing request and an IP address, from where you need the access to jaana.jarve@internet.ee;
- Registrar's portal - please send us a username, personal identification code (authentication with the ID-card), certificate signing request (cn value has to be the username) and IP addresses, from where you need the access to jaana.jarve@internet.ee.